Saturday, October 24, 2009


A new born giraffe measures about 6 feet. The scientific name of the giraffe is "Camelopardalis." A giraffe's coat is tan with brown patches.The tongue of an adult giraffe measures 27". Giraffes are vegetarians and live on the leaves of the baobab tree.Every step a giraffe takes is 15 feet in length.The giraffe is able to grasp objects such as leaves with the help of its tongue.Giraffes sleep for no more than 5 to 30 minutes in 24 hours. A giraffe is the one of the largest, strongest and peaceful animals on Earth.An adult male giraffe is called a bull, a female is called a cow and a young giraffe a calf.The average life span of a giraffe is 20 to 25 years.A large male giraffe can eat up to 100 pounds of food in a single day.A giraffes age can be calculated from its spots, as the darker the spots, the older the giraffe.Lions and large packs of hyenas, are the giraffe's predators.A lion can die if kicked by a giraffe.A giraffe's heart is 24 pounds in weight and 2 feet in length.Giraffes are social animals, that live in open herds.A giraffe seldom lies down, it can sleep as well as give birth standing up!Giraffes are silent animals. Giraffes can survive for long periods without consuming water.Giraffes are blessed with excellent eyesight. This helps them keep an eye on each other from a distance. This picture was published by Ross Warner it is called"safri girraffe"!

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