Wednesday, December 23, 2009

African Okapi

The Okapi is called African Unicorn, Rain forest Zebra.Their height is about 5 feet at the shoulder, the adults weigh around 460 to 550 pounds. They live about 30 years in captivity, in the wild their lifespan is still unknown. Okapis have a sleek deep brown coat that is almost purple. The sides of its face are a dull red. There are horizontal black and white rings on its hind-quarters, thighs, and tops of forelegs. They eat leaves, fruits, seeds, fungi, and a certain clay that give them their mineral content. It is a mostly solitary animal that only comes together to mate. Okapi are only active during the day and OBVIOUSLY sleep during the night. But still the Okapi surprises us with its uniqueness and scientists have still not found out everything about it. The Credits go to: Okapi Facts
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